• Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham
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  • Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay
  • World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day
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  • Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle
  • Derby Derby Derby Derby Derby
  • Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh
  • Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow
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  • Poole Poole Poole Poole Poole
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  • Virtual MoRunning Virtual MoRunning Virtual MoRunning Virtual MoRunning Virtual MoRunning
  • Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay Whitstable & Herne Bay
  • World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day World MoWalk and Talk Day
  • York York York York York


07 Sep, 2016 - General

So, what does it take to be a Mo Runner?

So, what does it take to be a Mo Runner?

Well dear readers, it’s a hell of a question. In this piece we will try to cover all aspects of these fine specimens. In truth, guts and glory have nothing on them!

Being determined to support men’s health by running their bits off usually wearing their very own (or drawn on) moustache. Being prepared to wear crazy costumes too – have a look at some of these photos from past events!


Image of runners dressed up as old fashioned pilots 

Image of runners dressed up with shields 

Group of runners dressed up including rubix cube

We know – they’re bonkers! Some have even come with their very own mo-wearing pet dog!The MoRunning dog with moustache!

Naturally you’re now thinking…. can I do that? Surely I can’t….. Let us tell you, once you are there at the start with the emotions running high, knowing you’re doing it for those who need support, anything is possible. Not for us, some macho pumped up run, much more the chilled out, competitive but fun event in support of the incredible Movember Foundation. Our job is to cajole as many of you to that start line as is physically possible! Our events are always good fun, and nobody is going to be worrying about when you will finish once you have started! Slow and steady is just FINE by us. There are options for 5k and 10k so they are inclusive. You can even bring the kids.    

As we say in our About Us section, when you commit to a MoRun, you raise awareness. But when you also commit to raise money for the Movember Foundation, you change the future of men's health. With us, you're part of a community, a family, a team. When you step up to that start line, remember that you're helping men live longer, healthier lives.

We will chivvy you along, we will shout and clap, we will definitely laugh with you, and praise you for your commitment to making a difference. Once you are at that start line you take your place with the best. Strength of character and heart is what we’re talking about. Now get registered and go give it some welly!

What’s else is growing on?